Catalonian Wall Lizard 

Podarcis lolepis 

Lézard de Catalogne

Podarcis liolepis, the Columbretes wall lizard or Catalan wall lizard, is very similar to the other lizards in the genus Podarcis. This species was once described as a subspecies of the Iberian wall lizard, but has now been elevated to species status with four subspecies. (see map).

They are slender lizards with long tails, narrow tapered heads and long hin toes and stout legs. Colours are variable, although generally grey-brown. Often very subtle spots and stripes along the back and flanks can be seen and these can be more distinguished in the female. The underside is a much lighter cream or beige with sometimes a reddish tint. Adults grow 15–20 cm in length from the nose to tip of the tail. Body length can be a little as one third of the total body length, the tail making up the other two thirds.

With a lifespan of about 5 years they are an adaptable wall climbing species which can be found in a large number of habitats and frequently around houses and other buildings. Although being a Mediterranean species, they are able to inhabit mountain habitats with cold winters up to 2000 m altitude (Pyrenees, Sistema Ibérico, Sistema Bético).

In 2007 they were recorded in both la Drôme and Vaucluse for the first time on the east of the Rhone river.

Distribution of Podarcis liolepis with its currently recognized subspecies.