Green Toad
Bufo viridis
Crapaud vert
The Green Toad is medium sized, 5 to 8cm for males, 7 to 9 cm for females, horizontal oval pupil, the iris being a grey green streaked and mottled with black. The skin on the back is warty, marked with green spots and splashes against a background colour of grey, pink or brown and can have a marbled effect.. Occasionally they will be poorly marked and could be confused with a Common Toad. Rear legs are rather short.
Diet is generally comprised of insects, worms, spiders and small snails.
Hibernation takes place from October until March when reproduction commences immediately and can continue until July. The eggs are laid with between 2 and 4 rows in strings which are 2 to 5 metres long; these tend to fall to the bottom in a depth of about 30 cm. Hatching takes place from mid April and full metamorphosis from mid July.
Full protection status and classified as in danger of extinction in France there are several habitat management projects in its distribution areas to try to maintain its continuing presence.