This family is distinguished by three main anatomical features: the caterpillars have a retractable organ behind their heads called an ‘osmeterium’. Shaped like the forked tongue of a snake, the osmeterium excretes a smelly secretion and is emitted when the caterpillar is threatened. The second vein on the hindwing goes to the edge of the wing and the cervical scales meet under the neck.
Sub family Parnassiinae
Semi-Apollon Parnassius mnemosyne Clouded Apollo
Petit Apollon Parnassius phoebus Small Apollo
Apollon Parnassius apollo Mountain Apollo
Diane Zerynthia polyxena Southern Festoon
Proserpine Zerynthia rumina Spanish Festoon
Sub family Papilioninae
Flambé Iphiclides podalirius Scarce Swallowtail
Voilier blanc Iphiclides feisthamelii Southern Scarce Swallowtail
Alexanor Papilio alexanor Southern Swallowtail
Porte-queue de Corse Papilio hospiton Corsican Swallowtail
Machaon Papilio machaon Old world Swallowtail