Parsley Frog  

Pelodytes punctatus 

Pélodyte Ponctué

These little frogs are rarely more than 5cm. They have prominent eyes with vertical pupils that appear overdeveloped in comparison to the size of their heads which have a rounded noses. Their body is somewhat slim, dark or olive grey marked with bright green spots, the smooth back has warts which sometimes form irregular lines. Long digits front and rear, the rear being webbed but only at the base.

They are present all over France, preferring damp habitats, ditches, wetlands and the areas around ponds, rivers etc. Outside of the reproduction period they are terrestrial and nocturnal, spending the day under cover such as a rock, in a stone wall or a hole in the ground. Extremely agile they hop away rapidly when disturbed and can climb perfectly smooth surfaces with the aid of their abdomens.  They do not appear to hibernate.

Parsley frog spawn
Parsley frog tadpole

Reproduction takes place from March until October depending on latitude, in the south very late coupling is observed. Up to 1500 eggs are laid in bunches or strings attached to aquatic plants.


They are considered to be endangered in the north of France (and some other Countries) and there are large regions where they are absent.