Pyramid Orchid

Anacamptis pyramidalis

  Orchis pyramidal

Presence in France. See link below.

Height. 30cm - 50cm

Leaves. Basal leaves are unspotted, linear-lanceolate and appear in spring. The cauline ones are shorter and barely visible on the stem.

Flowers. The colour of the flower varies from pink to purple, or rarely white. Six tepals, being three small sepals and three petals. Two small petals are on the sides, while the third and lower (labellum) is large and bilobate. At the back of the flower there is a tubular spur of about 1.5 centimetres (0.59 in) long, while the labellum bears two lateral small flaps

Flowering period. May - July

Soil type. Generally calcareous soils with an open aspect.

Protection. Liste des espèces végétales protégées en région Centre : Article 1

Pyramid Orchid Anacamptis pyramidalis
Pyramid Orchid Anacamptis pyramidalis
Early nesting bumble bee on Pyramid orchid.

French link for this species including maps HERE